perm filename SOJ.M2[AM,DBL] blob sn#684582 filedate 1982-11-04 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	The party prepares for their journey.
C00009 ENDMK
The party prepares for their journey.

Oker the Ranger goes to his guildhall to study and copy the
maps of the route across the desert to Magadh, the dangers and
oases to watch for, etc. Oker also checks into passage from
Magadh to the Gildean isles, the particular island that
the smith is supposed to live on, customs and dangers there, etc.
Probably the caravan has stocked up on extra water and
waterskins; if not, Oker has them do so.

Hamber the Dwarven Engineer rigs up 3 items.  One is a
duplicate of the noble's sword as it looks now, one is
a duplicate of that sword as it should look whole, and
the final one is a large two-handed wooden club that is partially
hollow -- it has a space in which the noble's sword fits
tightly. The total weight and balance of the club should
not be unusual, therefore.  The club looks very crude, and worthless.

All three spellcasters (Glivel, Oker, and Conal) cast
ProtectObject repeatedly on the fake broken sword, to be sure that
the spells have worked.  Now NO ONE can easily touch it,
so it is wrapped up in fine cloth and strapped to Hamber's
horse.  The fake whole sword is strapped to Oker's horse
(also in scabbard and wrapped nicely).  The true broken
sword is concealed in the hollow club, and carried by Para.

We ask the Count if we may use the sword if necessary during
our mission.  If so, who can safely use it, and how?
Specifically, what can the sword do now, and what can
it do when it is reforged.  If the Count won't tell us,
Conal will spend some time researching it in the mages'
guild library.  While there, he also checks on the
Dwarven smith's island (for rumors of magical happenings).

The party members pool their new funds, and buy more equipment.
A separate page lists what I now believe are the possessions
(and remaining gold) of each party member.

The three spellcasters hold most of the party's funds, and
keep them in moneybelts on which they cast ProtectObject,
so only the belt's wearer can safely touch the belt.
Conal and Glivel also cast ProtectObject on the metal
anti-garotte collars they wear, and on their cloaks.

Glivel spends the 3 days enchanting a Bar of Light (see
his spells, below).  I assume Glivel uses the laboratory in
the mages' guild, of which he is now a temporary member.
I presume this doesn't cost too much,
around 10gp, besides his original fee to join the guild;
If it costs more, then he will sell his light warhorse to make
up the difference in gps, and buy a riding horse instead.

Glivel can cast Glamor twice a day, as I understand it.
During the 3 days, Glivel casts Glamor so as to make everyone
in their party look just like Hamber.
Thus the party travels around looking like five related
dwarven fighters.  During the first few days on the trail,
Glivel makes their horses appear to be seedy-looking mules.

The caravan's announced destination is to the NorthEast,
and indeed they head Northward out of the city and travel so for
a few miles, then cut WestSouthWest toward Magadh.
A few minutes before they veer off the Northern road, Oker casts
Confuse Trail (just in case they're being followed).

Oker guides the caravan, Para cooks for the party, 
Glivel is busy Glamoring, Conal practices his spells and
looks around as they travel for any rare herbs that might
be about.  Oker keeps an eye out for tracks; if any unusual
(unknown beast) ones are found, he casts Visualise Trackmaker.
At night, watches are kept (always two people awake: one
caravan member and one party member).

Combat is avoided in general, by riding hard away if possible.
This may be made easier if the horses' appearance (old mules)
lulls the enemy into not guarding against a hasty exit.

In combat, Oker and Hamber (and Para) will guard the
spellcasters.  Typically Conal will conjure wasps and spikes,
will summon weapons and potions out of enemy's hands, etc.
Glivel will cast AffectMagic to enhance Conal's spell effects.
Gliel will also employ his Bar of Fire to create illusory
sheets of flame to discourage and hurt the enemy.  If the
object is to escape, the sheet will be vertical; if the
party is in this to the kill, it will be horizontal,
catching as many of the enemy's feet and legs as possible.
After a battle, if a party member is sorely wounded,
Glivel will let them wear the Band of Healing for an hour or two.